Weaning diet for an infant

Weaning diet for an infant

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Sep 28, 2018

Sep 28, 2018


What is weaning diet?

When a woman gives a birth to a baby, baby gives a birth to a mother. A woman’s most important role as a mother is that she looks after her new born in her best capacity. One of the striking part of ‘Look after’ is that the mother feeds the baby as and when required, and gives the appropriate food for the child’s age. Weaning literally means to stop breastfeeding and introduce regular food items.

What is the right food for baby?

For a new born to 6 months of child’s age baby only requires mother’s milk. There is no need to offer any other milk, food, medicine (unless child is unwell) and not even water (Unless child has fever, vomiting or diarrhea).

Once child crosses 6 months of age, mother should introduce semi solids and solids gradually. Remember, baby still doesn’t need any other milk until at least 1 year as mother is still breast feeding along with semi solids and solids.

Weaning diet for an infant

Always start with light to digest food in a small quantity. Mother must pay attention to the warmth, freshness, texture, taste and nutrition of the prepared food. Also mother must be alert for any sorts of allergy.

As baby grows older texture, nutrition plus quantity will change. It’s crucially important for mother to learn that.

What happens if mother feeds wrong food to the baby?

If mother feeds wrong food or wrong quantity or even wrong texture of the food it can be health hazard for the child. Mother may not realize right away or see the results of action in near future, but it can lead to serious consequences. So, mothers, be alert and knowledgeable to assist your baby to be a healthy person literally.

We hear about diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure etc. are diet (wrong diet) induced disease. We can save our babies from getting it.

How can I learn what is the right food for my baby?

You may read my book on ‘Breastfeeding and Weaning diet recipes’ which will not only guide you on what to feed your baby, but also talks about textures, quantity, required nutrition and heavy food vs light food etc. And not only that, the book has more than 60 healthy tried and tested (&tasted) recipes by new moms.

What is the right food for baby?

What to feed the baby is important, but what’s even more important is that what NOT TO feed. Be aware ladies… Don’t feed everything and anything to your baby. Your baby is not a trial and error toy. Certain foods like salt and sugar can harm the baby. There are few of those items. Learn details before it’s too late.

Have a very happy and healthy motherhood.