The gist was I wanted to enjoy the whole process

The gist was I wanted to enjoy the whole process

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Nov 21, 2019

Nov 21, 2019


How I enjoyed my labour: On May 26, 2019, I woke up with contractions. A warm smile lit up my face as now I knew my baby would be in my arms soon :)  The day we had been waiting for had finally arrived! Since day 1 of my conception news, my husband and I had kept only one thing in mind: To stay relaxed. I daily visualised having a healthy, happy pregnancy; a normal, easy delivery and a healthy baby. I read books with positive messages. Going to P101 for the daily exercises was my routine. By the end of my 9th month, I was doing 100 squats and 2 sets of duckwalks daily. I also did Yoga, Pranayam, Affirmations, Gratitude Prayers and Lamaze breathings at home. As it is said, A Happy mom is a Happy baby: I tried to remain as stress-free, relaxed, calm and happy as possible throughout my pregnancy and I must say it has worked wonders in my life. I am thankful to my family for letting me stay relaxed during this phase of my life :) My labour started on Sunday, May 26th 6:00am, which lasted for 30 hours, out of which 15 hours were spent at home and the rest 15 at hospital. During my time at home, I constantly ate energy foods at intervals, did a romantic labour dance with my husband, cracked silly jokes with my family, did labour exercises, wrote a letter to the doctor and above all, laughed a lot! The gist was I wanted to enjoy the whole process. At about 9.00 pm, after having a delicious dinner, we went to the hospital while enjoying some favorite songs in the car.  While I was admitted in the hospital, I kept all my 5 senses invigorated, so that my brain would intercept less of pain and more of pleasure. I listened to my favorite Ed Sheeren tracks, smelt a very soothing scent, ate chocolates, lightly finger massaged my belly, and visualised us with my baby in Disneyland and Maldives! I also did squats and other labour positions throughout the night in the hospital. Along with this constantly doing Lamaze breathing techniques during contractions helped me a lot! My delivery wouldn't have been this easy without Lamaze breathing. I was given labour pain injections and was also treated with some gel to make the labour process faster, throughout the night. On May 27th 10:30 am, when my cervix finally dilated to 8.5 cm, I was taken to the labour room. In 5-6 pushes my baby got delivered, without me screaming even a single time. It was an easy procedure, nothing to be afraid of. I am thankful to my husband for being there with me in the labour room and supporting me constantly, Also my doctor who was patient and supporting enough with me. Finally on May 27th, 2019, at 11.47 am, I delivered a beautiful baby girl, normally. I was amused at myself that a girl who was initially afraid of even injections, was able to go through this process with such ease! Thanks to P101 for sharing the correct knowledge, giving guidance, and making me strong, positive and happy! Recommendation for all the preggers out there - a positive mental attitude and a relaxed mind goes a long way in delivering your baby healthily. If you are mentally ready, normal delivery is an easy task. Of course you will need to do daily exercises and be physically strong as well but along with it please stay mentally prepared. Know your doctor and nurses well, see the labour room beforehand, eat good food, know all the procedures and visualise delivering your baby easily. Relaxation is the key. Thanks Rita ma'am and Meeti ma'am for spreading such positive energy around! :)  Lots of love, Manali Shah.

Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101.