Thanks to Hypnobirthing, Experienced a calm and natural birth of Ruhi, second baby

Thanks to Hypnobirthing, Experienced a calm and natural birth of Ruhi, second baby

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Nov 3, 2015

Nov 3, 2015


The beautiful story of the birth of Ruhi, as told by her Mum, Avani who attended the Rita’s HypnoBirthing101 class in April 2015.

Ruhi With Her Mom Avani

Ruhi With Her Mom Avani

Avani said: “I attended the classes with Ruhi in Ahmedabad in April and had a baby girl at the end of June – I’ve had my birth story written for a while but just haven’t got round to sending it so here it is below. Please feel free to use it if you think it is any good. I know I found it really helpful to read such sorts of stories so maybe my story will help someone else.”

“Before I start my birth story a bit of background on why I chose to have a hypnobirth. I had my son 3 1/2 years ago and would definitely describe it as a difficult birth – sheer exhaustion and feeling overwhelmed with pain lead to a series of interventions resulting in a forceps delivery. The memory of my son’s birth puts me off contemplating a sibling for him for quite some time and when I did get pregnant again alongside absolute elation was an underlying fear of giving birth. My first reaction when thinking about labour was to opt for an epidural as quickly as it could be administered and preferably knock me out and wake me up when it was all over. However, I still had a feeling that I had somehow not dealt with my first labour as well as I could and that I wanted the 2nd time to be more positive. Giving birth is something our bodies are designed to do and I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it on my own.

I am not sure how I came across hypnoBirthing, I recalled a colleague using the techniques to birth her baby some years ago. I came across the Rita’s hypnoBirthing101 website and so much of what was on there made sense to me. I sought out positive birth stories. The classes itself was a real turning point for my husband and me. My husband was really supportive towards my decision to use hypnobirthing techniques. Now on the other side of birth I look back and realize there is so much more to birthing than pain management. The HypnoBirthing centre allowed me to develop confidence in my ability to let my body lead, the connection between my husband and I, our baby and our existing daughter, confidence in dealing with our medical support, excitement about the process and a relaxed and centered approach to Ruhi’s arrival.



My experience was not the same as I watched and I can’t claim to have been the silent type, or to not have had moments of wondering how I was going to get to the next step, we both feel very strongly that HypnoBirthing has prepared us for what was an extraordinary experience enjoyed by our whole family. For this rewarding experience, Rita’s HypnoBirthing101 deserve a big hug and a very special thank you.

Both my husband and I will be recommending the program (I have heard him telling someone what a ‘must do’ it is!) He felt so much more a part of the process this time, and I knew more than ever that he was right there with me. In the end, a special thank you to Kajal and Geeta from H101 for making my Pregnancy journey life time memorable

Thank you!