Sonia’s Birth Story: ‘How 2 minutes of breathing techniques were so important’

Sonia’s Birth Story: ‘How 2 minutes of breathing techniques were so important’

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Nov 17, 2017

Nov 17, 2017


My due date was very close but there were no signs of labor. Seeing the water level was going down and suspect 2 cord in child's neck my doc decided to induce pain. The injection for pain was given at 9am. Initially the labour was very similar to normal cramps that we feel during the last days of pregnancy.

I was walking a bit too during my first pregnancy i took epidural to avoid pain so this time also i had decided to go for epidural if the pain increased for 5 hours I was in normal pain and then doctor came in to examine me to find I was 5cm dilated which was more than what I expected considering not very severe pain. But situation changed very next moment. While the doc was there suddenly I could sense that my water bag has been burst and then the real pain started.

It was 3pm then within 5 mins doc asked nurses to make the delivery room ready. And then she reminded me of using breathing techniques that I learn in yoga center ( she knew I have joined P101 classes) I was in excruciating pain, shouting loudly and crying. Thankfully I have asked to let my Husband come in delivery room and it's really a great support.

By 3.35 pm I was in delivery room and was pleading for epidural. In doctor's words ' I have already called Mr X for epidural and he is on the way but now it is of no use because u r about to deliver and u have to put ur efforts only".

Then she asked me to use those breathing techniques to let my body calm and put all my energy to Push the baby. In labour room only I have realized how 2 min breathing techniques were so important. By 4 pm I delivered a healthy baby boy but because of breathing exercise total time in 'pushing the baby' was minimal and very effective.

I never thought of delivering the baby on my own. Now I am holding my baby in my hands and remembering all cardio exercise for hands thanks Geeta (My P101 Guru) for your efforts.