My Water Bag Was Ruptured And The Baby Had Already Pooped Inside

My Water Bag Was Ruptured And The Baby Had Already Pooped Inside

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

2 min

2 min

May 26, 2021

May 26, 2021



I am glad to share that I have been blessed with a baby girl on the 08th of May. The journey of the last 9 months has been so wonderful and full of memories that I’d like to share through my birth story.

On the 6th of May, I had my appointment with Dr. Seema and she informed me after my internal check-up that I was already dilated 2.5 cms and that I have an option of either getting admitted that day itself or wait for another 48 hours.

Since, Cloud-Nine did not allow anyone to enter the hospital, I had to take the call myself and I decided to go home and wait for 48 hours. I came outside and told my husband that I am already dilated and we have just 48 hours before we deliver our bundle of joy.


We drove home with a sense of happiness. We were little nervous as well since our lives were about to change forever and that the clock had started ticking backwards.

On the 8th of May in the morning, I started having severe pains in my stomach and I called Dr. Seema up saying that I wanted to see her at the hospital. After my check-up, she asked me to get admitted and that the baby will be out in another 7-8 hours. I was on course to deliver the baby naturally as the dilation had increased to 3 cms and there were no complications. I had been very active till the last day of my pregnancy courtesy Yoga and Meditation by Neeru ma'am. Indeed, it was a pleasure to learn and stay active during these 9 months and my special thanks to Neeru ma'am.

After two hours in the labour room with my husband, my water bag was ruptured and we found out that the baby has pooped inside. I was rushed to the Operation theatre where I was operated upon and my baby girl NOOR was born at 5:33 PM, 8th May 2021.

It truly is a life altering moment as one steps into motherhood and I will forever cherish the moment when I held her in my arms for the very first time.

Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101.