My breastfeeding journey has remained smooth and amazing

My breastfeeding journey has remained smooth and amazing

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Aug 5, 2019

Aug 5, 2019


Hi everyone my name is Shachi Bilgi and I am going to share my experience of breastfeeding.

I had a normal delivery and started feeding my daughter from the 1st day.

On the 2nd day, I had a cracked nipple. I was a little anxious as to how will I feed the baby and is it safe for her. Thanks to the p101 sessions I applied ointment took good care and continued to breastfeed without any issues. Initially, it took a little while for the whole process to set in.

On about the 12th or 13th day we thought that the baby is remaining hungry and we should start one top feed at night. So started with it. But after a few days, my baby started to refuse my breast and cried. It was an extremely painful phase emotionally for me. This continued for a few days but I did not give up on breastfeeding. In the meantime, I consulted the Lactation Consultant. She came home and first of all she strictly advised against giving even one top feed at night. And she heard all my woes patiently. My husband and mother present there also completely agreed with her. She examined my breast and found nothing wrong at all. And she gave the positivity to continue breastfeeding and that it will settle down in a few days. And yes like a miracle stopping one top feed and being calm mentally led to the solution of my problems.

And then since my baby was about a month old my breastfeeding journey has remained smooth and amazing. It’s the best thing to happen. The benefits of breastfeeding are many and In addition, I feel there is no hassle of cleaning sterilizing bottles etc. I would go out everywhere with my baby like hotels, restaurants, coffee shops and would feed her in cars or once I did it in the hotel lobby too.

Thanks to a very supportive husband who helped me during all these times and was on board with exclusive breastfeeding and at times a little more than me too. After attending the sessions at P101 he was completely in support of breastfeeding too.

So thanks to P101 and the whole team Rita Mam, Geeta and Kajal for making this journey so beautiful for me.

Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & Breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita's Pregnancy 101.