Monika’s Birth Story: Duck walk and squats eased out my labor

Monika’s Birth Story: Duck walk and squats eased out my labor

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Mar 30, 2019

Mar 30, 2019


E.D.D 19th Oct 2018 | D.O.B 11th Oct 2018 | Time 1:23 am

Women are special since they are blessed with the best gift of nature i.e to create a new life. Here is my journey towards this gift.

Towards end of my 39th week, the Braxton Hicks contractions were at its peak making me little confused with the real ones. On 9th Oct I started with loose motions and got excited as it was one of a pre-labor symptom, from what we learned in our P101 labor class. But towards evening it got accompanied with a fever of around 100°C. So we decided to visit our doctor.

Doctor had some doubt regarding mild infection so he started with medication and later it was confirmed in my tests. I came back home and fever subsided during the night.

On 10th morning around 5:30 am I realized that my mucus plug has been unplugged and I informed my mom and my husband. In noon we visited our doctor and upon checking he said that there is no dilation yet and contractions have not started. So he sends us back home.

Immediately after reaching home around 3 pm I started with contractions and upon tracking I found them to be true ones.

Around evening 7 we went to the doctor when there were 2-3 contractions in 10 mins and 45 seconds long. Upon check-up, I was found to be 1 cm dilated and was admitted.

In night till 11 pm contractions were at the same frequency and strength and I was found to be less than 2 cms dilated. So my doctor gave me Pitocin and within 40 mins there were 4 contractions in 10 mins and he stopped the Pitocin.

Around 11:55 pm my water bag burst and contractions started coming at great intensity.

Around 12:40 pm I was already 8 cms dilated and the doctor was informed. By this time the pain was so unbearable that I was constantly asking for epidural. But my husband talked me out of it.

Around 1 am my baby was ready to arrive and I was shifted to OT. The doctor came and within 2 pushes at 1:23 am my little angel whom we have named her *RHEA* arrived to bless me with the gift of motherhood.

Throughout this journey of around 11 hours the breathing techniques, knowledge gained at labor class and the positive nature of Tushita ma'am and Neha ma'am kept me strong. Duck walk and squats eased out my labor. My biggest strength was my husband without whom it would have been impossible to deliver without epidural. Special thanks to my doctor who motivated me for a normal delivery throughout my pregnancy and to labor team who supported me during that time.

P.S Girls keep your husband with you. He is going to be your strength.

P.S. Do attend P101 Labor sessions without fail.

P.S. Choose your doctor wisely.