Madhu’s Birth Story: It is blessing to be a mother

Madhu’s Birth Story: It is blessing to be a mother

An unexpected delivery plan led to a C-section, but with Neeru ma’am’s guidance and breathing techniques, I stayed strong. Hearing my baby girl’s cry erased all fears, filling me with joy & gratitude.

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Jun 1, 2018

Jun 1, 2018


Let me start with the time I visited my Gynae on the new year’s eve, she asked me to get physically active I asked her to suggest someone who is easy to workout with and She gave me Neeru Verma’s number. I called Neeru ma’am next day and she asked me to come and meet her the very same day.

Me and my husband we both went to see her in the evening and after the meeting I got really excited and had this urge of joining ASAP but she said come and join on 10th of January and I did the same. Since that day, I started waiting for the evenings eagerly because I just wanted to be in the room full of positivity and beautiful vibe. I have spent a good 3 months with her and my body, mind, soul everything was (is) relaxed and full of positivity.

Thank You So much Pregnancy 101 ( Neeru Ma’am) for making this journey so beautiful and memorable. You will always be recommended. So, here goes the story:

I had an appointment with my doc on Tuesday and while we were doing the growth scan Dr. Deepasikha called Dr. Seema inside the scanning room and they both weren’t happy with baby’s growth and said they will deliver the baby soon. I thought they are talking about next week and then the growth scan was converted into foetal Doppler and during the process and doc asked us to get admitted the very same night. We were both shocked and tears started rolling out of my eyes (out of fear and whatnot). Got my PV done and Doc said baby is small and my pain threshold is good so there are very much chances of normal delivery. I called Neeru ma’am and went to meet her straight away.

As I saw her I started crying again and couldn’t utter a word. Of course she hugged me and gave me lots of courage and motivation told me to deep breath go out for nice lunch and movie before going to hospital. I had my favourite Italian food and went home to pack our bags. In the evening I went for meditation class and was very much prepared for everything after that. My mom asked me to have dinner i just had a little dal. They all thought I am nervous but trust me the Italian food was giving me really hard time.

Anyways around 10 we reached hospital and they gave the medicines at around 10.30 to start contractions. I started getting mild contractions in the morning. Doc did PV at around 11 in the morning and said baby’s hand is on her head (she probably was thinking if or if not to come out). Neeru ma’am asked to me attend the yoga session at 11.30 and I did the same. It was really good and i felt energised as ma’am shaked my tummy and back.

Again got my PV done at 4 and hand was not there on head (shaking did well here).

Till 4.30 my pains were increasing and at 6.30 they were frequently coming every 1.5-2 minutes. At 7 a Doc ruptured my water bag to increase the pain. And the pain started increasing after bag was ruptured. I did deep breathing and bhramari pranayam and it worked amazingly. 8’o clock it was getting unbearable and PV was scheduled for 8.30. Doc did it 10 minutes earlier and told me the cervix is only 2-3 cm dilated and baby’s head has started swelling so we will go for a c section.

I was shattered but again my husband had word with Neeru ma’am and we decided to go for C-section to avoid further complications. Went to OT at 9.10 and they gave me local anaesthesia and my lower body became numb. I heard a liytle cries at 9.42 and doc told me i have been blessed with the strongest sex (females) I started crying insanely this time it was tears of joy and happiness. I touched her and all my pains and everything went away. I am super blessed to have her in my life. I wish all the expecting moms all the very best. God bless you all.