Just Another Mother in Hindsight

Just Another Mother in Hindsight

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Oct 26, 2020

Oct 26, 2020


So my son turned 2 recently. And I was going through photos of his birthday celebration. And I felt so many things at once. Of course I am happy seeing him so happy. But there is also fear of him growing up so fast. I have yet to do so much. Which took me 2 years back when I was struggling with sleep deprivation, feeding issues, weight issues etc. It was a tough time. I had even cried sometimes when I felt lost completely.

Now my baby is 2. He still wakes up at night but just to hug me. He is still fussy eater, but now I know the ways to make him eat. He is still under weight, but now i know he is doing just fine. So I want to share this with new mommies who are at the place where I was 2 years back. It is a matter of time. You just have to hold on. Hold on to your motherly instinct. No matter what the problem is, you will find a way.

For me it is a journey from "why do people have kids?" to "my son is the best thing that has ever happened to me". From "I am never going to have second one" to "I think I can handle another one". From "I want my me time back" to "I want to spend quality time with my kiddo". From high heels to slippers. And these slippers are real, comfy and cozy.

So I do not know who needs to hear this now but you are doing just fine. One day all your efforts going to repay you in a way you have never imagined.

Just another mom. 😊😊😊

~Dhara Shah

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