I Packed My Bags After My Water Broke

I Packed My Bags After My Water Broke

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

2 min

2 min

Jan 17, 2022

Jan 17, 2022


Tulika Kaul

This Experience Has Changed Me Forever. I woke up in the morning around 9am and suddenly I felt like I was leaking uncontrollably. I was 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant and it was clear that my water broke (thanks to information sessions of P101, I was sure about it). I called my doctor immediately as it was not a trickle but a gush of water. My doctor asked me to reach the hospital in 2 hours. She asked me not to panic and take my time. I was actually packing my bag after my water broke which I won't recommend to other mamas. Please keep your bags ready once you cross the 37-week mark. At least I had my baby's bag ready. My husband and I reached the hospital and my Gynac checked me and asked me to get admitted as I was leaking heavily. My contractions were not strong enough so I was induced after 3 hours. My Gynac wouldn't have minded waiting but my water broke and I had lost a good amount of amniotic fluid. Still, my birth team was so supportive.

After I got induced I started feeling strong contractions. Within 4 hours I was 4 cm dilated. I opted for an epidural as I was not able to cope up with the intensity of contractions. But epidural only worked on me for 2 hours. As I opted for it quite late. In the next 4 hours, my contractions were so strong that I had dilated completely to 10 cms. My team then took me to the labor room and I started pushing. I was really tired so they had to use a vacuum and after 40 minutes our bundle of joy had arrived. She was a completely healthy 3.3 kg baby girl. My husband was there the entire time massaging me and supporting me. My parents were also there continuously comforting me. I did birthing ball exercises and squats before I was given epidural but after that, I had to be in bed so there was not much movement. I had the most amazing Gynac and birth team. I felt in charge and was not dismissed at any point which I think is very important.

One thing I would like to mention was even though I was having strong contractions my BP and pulse were completely normal and my baby's heartbeat was normal as well. At no point was my baby in distress. And I give entire credit to P101 classes. It prepares your mind and body to go through this phase in the calmest and composed way. I loved my birth experience from the day I conceived today my little princess was born and wouldn't change a thing about it. Thanks to everyone who made my journey easy and a big shout-out to P101. This wouldn't have been possible without the best childbirth educator, Rita Singha. Your prenatal exercise, meditation, and information sessions are blessings. The cherry on the top of the cake was hypnobirthing classes. I couldn't have imagined going through normal birth without hypnobirthing sessions. They work with you on a cellular level. You literally are a changed person after these sessions. I feel I am stronger than ever.

Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101.