After intense back pain and following P101's breathing techniques, I had a normal delivery on 21st Sept, supported by my husband and the team, overcoming complications. Thanks to Rita’s Pregnancy 101.
Its was 18th of September a happy Sunday evening. I went out for a nice dinner, thinking this would be my last dinning out before my cuddley cooh arrives(as the baby's head had already engaged - had my routine checkup on Saturday.
I couldn't sleep all night (usual bathroom tours and gas but I was passing stool on every visit with a little abdominal pain. I thought I had an upset stomach but it was my pre-prepration. My due was 2nd Oct, so I wasn't thinking in this direction that I might be in labor.
Morning I woke up late, 19th of Sept. Suddenly I had all the energy so much so that I didn't sleep well. I did all my exercises, walks, squats and kegels that day. Ankit was having breakfast, and I was exercising was in cat & camel posture all day as my back & abdomen were hurting – this pose really helps.
The pain started growing, so I insisted on going for a check up again. Doc did an internal (37th week had just completed). And she asked me to stay prepared, as it was due anytime. I was happy and nervous (all I was thinking was normal delivery... Doc asked me to sleep all day, eat less and save energy for labor but I was busy doing squats and walks. Excitement didn't let me sleep.
19th went buy just like this. I had my bags packed, phone charged and all ready to go to the labor room. A slight pain was always there but my back was hurting a lot... Couldn't sleep that night too cat & camel really helped and the breathing exercise helped me relax my nerves.
20th September - The pain grew more, not in the abdomen, but the lower back and side abdomen... Went for a walk after breakfast and did 200 squats that day. (God knows where the energy was coming from. Doc said it is due in 2-3days, so yet was chilling... As afternoon approached the pain grew stronger and the visits to the washroom increased.
Wanted to pass stool on every visit, didn't have lunch as was already feeling full. Called my doc, she said try sleeping through, will help. Tried that too, but couldn't get my mind to sleep. It was 6pm, and I was in immense pain. Called the doc again, she asked me to time the contractions like how it is taught to me in my labor class at P101. Yet the pain wasn't in the abdomen, neither was it getting tighter, it was just the back and sides so I timed it. I got 8 contractions in 20mins all lasting for over a minute. My squatting did not stop could hear Geeta ma'am counting in my head Lolzz.
At 8pm, I asked my MIL to come with me to the doc Just for a check up. As I was confused wasn't getting contractions but lower back pain was intense. As I reached I drove myself she did an internal, I was 6CM dilated (she was shocked to see me smiling). She asked me to get admitted we left the house without bags, clothes here and there and dinner not cooked
Mom called my aunt to tc of the house, as she was with me and I called Ankit telling him I'm in labor. I continued with the squats and walks (The bed in the labor room acted as the rod which i needed for squats), The nurses kept asking me to lie down, but I didn't, as it was paining more when I was lying down. Nurses kept laughing at me thinking what am I doing. Ankit came, I was talking to my maternal parents and laughing (distracting the pain). My husband also couldn't believe I was in labor. (seeing movies have made people think that labor means a lady shouting and screaming on a metal bed with 2 nurses holding her hand.)
It was 11.30pm... The doc came again. My water bag was yet intact. She did an internal and I was doing my breathing exercise. I was just 7CM dilated (was expecting more) so the doc broke the water bag and injected me with pitocin to increase the contractions (I wish they didn’t). I was asked again and again for epidural. Didn't feel the need for it up until I was injected. At 12am (21st September) I was taken in the labor room where I requested for an epidural as I was dying in pain and no position seemed to be comfortable. I was 8CM dilated by then. I was doing my breathing exercise and was trying to distract myself by thinking about the snuggle bug I was going to birth to That helped a lot.
It was around 1.30am and yet the anaesthesiologist wasn't able to find the spot to give epidural... Unbearable pain and tears were rolling continuously, but I tried not to moan or shout and kept taking long breaths... Finally was injected with epidural (after 3 attempts) It was 2am and 9cm dilated.The pain was bearable, but then I was shivering.
All were sweating in the room including my husband (yes ! He was holding my hand the entire time standing right beside me) as I made them switch off all the fans and the aircon. I was tired and was dozing off to sleep.
It was 2.40am... I was 10cm dilated.. My doc asked me to push when I get the urge to. (Had taken a light doze of epidural) but I didn't feel much, so I started pushing when the doc asked me to... 3am the baby's heart rate decreased drastically (from 140 it was 50-60 BPM - my baby had passed stool and swallowed a little too)... My husband was scared as the doc started to prepare the OT and started preparation to operate. Seeing that, I gathered all the energy and asked to try for some more time.
I changed my position to the left side (I was on my back first - this helped in increasing the heart rate plus I could breath well). Epidural effect was evading, With every push there was a contraction... I couldn't help but shout... Tried to keep all my calm... Lot of motivation from my husband and the docs .
At 3.15am, doc prepared for a vacuum delivery (it was a bright yellow colored The baby was bigger than expected. I kept pushing, using all the energy I had And Ankit said, I can see the hairy head (crowning). A spur of energy flew in and the last push.
3.22am My little angel was in my arms a sharp cry and then he was given to me skin to skin.I fed him right away and then he was given to my MIL as I couldn't hold him any longer. (Was all high.. Lol...) Even in this condition, I asked the doc to cut the cord after 3mins (she was laughing at me).
![Himanshi: What an energetic birth story](
Thank you Geeta maam and Rita’s pregnancy 101 for giving me the courage and knowledge. I didn't have the confidence in me when I came to P101, I had made up my mind that I will get a c-sec done. Thanks for helping me choose the right option and making my pregnancy and birthing so much easier and beautiful.