Everyone Should Attend Labour Classes With Their Partner

Everyone Should Attend Labour Classes With Their Partner

Akshita's inspiring journey from a difficult pregnancy to a smooth and fast delivery showcases the power of the right support, prenatal exercises, and the love and strength of a dedicated partner.

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

3 min

3 min

May 10, 2021

May 10, 2021



Hello everyone. This is Akshita Purohit, I delivered a baby girl on 19th March 2021, Weight 3.5 kg, Delivery: Normal Vaginal

I had placenta previa during my 3rd month of pregnancy and was on bed rest for a month. In my 7th month, I joined P101 classes under Tushita Ma'am, but I was not sure if I should workout. Tushita Mam cleared all my doubts and encouraged me to do it. During my check up in 38th week, my doctor said that I was already 1 cm dilated and I might deliver that night, but I resisted because there was no pain and we wanted to wait for the normal labor pain. On 17th March around 10 AM, I saw a bloody discharge and informed my husband about it, he told me to ask Tushita Ma'am and the doctor, but I was skeptical to send a photo and ask. But then my husband did it. Both Ma'am and the doctor told us that it’s a mucus plug and my cervix is softening, which is a good sign. Same day around 8PM, I had white heavy white discharge, then I knew its good and my labor is in right direction. White discharge continued on the next day as well. On 19th March I had my usual checkup when my doctor informed me that I am 2 cm dilated and I should get admitted, but my husband and I wanted to wait for my natural labor pains.

So, we told to doctor that yes, we will get admitted, just give us time to pack things and we will be back in 2 odd hours. We reached home by 2 PM, and ever since then I was not feeling well. I thought this might be braxton hicks and waited till 3.30 PM but then I was sure this is labor pains and I immediately called my husband home. He came with pineapple juice and ORS. He gave me back massage with hug, pressed all acupressure points, we did the romantic labor dance, he reminded me of our good old times to distract me and calmed me down. At 6PM I saw red discharge, my husband immediately called Tushita Mam and asked her about it, Mam said I was dilating faster and hence we should now go to the hospital. I did my last bit before we reached hospital like sitting in squatting position and swaying along with it, squats, Lamaze breathing while in pain. By 7:20 I reached hospital, my doctor checked and said I was already 4cm dilated without much pain, that is good. By 8:15 my pains were at peak, and I couldn’t even hold myself that’s when my husband did the needful. He made me do Lamaze breathing. He motivated me, he believed that I could do it and said those things to me. But what worked wonders for me was his trick to do reverse counting when I was in pain, like “Akshita, sirf 10 seconds hai 10...9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2...1… dekh you did it… chal now be prepared for next one“.

I was getting stronger and now we knew the pain. We felt like we could get through this. I asked for the epidural a couple of times, my husband kept delaying it by saying yes, it’s on the way. He was there with me throughout with the nursing staff, handling and helping me. Around 10PM my doctor told me to do squats for delivery, I was already 10 cm dilated. I wasn’t in a state to even stand that’s when my husband made me sit on birthing ball and helped me do breathing while holding me tightly. By this time, I had the urge to push so my doctor asked me lie on bed and told me to push. In just 2 push my baby was out at 10:14PM, there she was my lil baby girl lying on my stomach 👼🏻😍 .

I am so thankful to Tushita Ma'am for the workouts and especially the labor class. Without that my husband would not have known what to do during my labor pains and I wouldn’t have ended up with such a smooth delivery in just 3 hours. I am thankful for my husband’s emotional support and love which helped me deliver normally this quick without epidural. Even my doctor was so impressed with my husband that she told him if you would have been a woman, I would have hired you right now!

I would recommend everyone to take labor classes along with your partner ❤️

Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101.