11th Oct. 2019 being my due date, I was induced on 10th night. Because of the medicine which was induced, along with contractions, I had continuous pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Thus I wasn’t able to rest at all throughout the night. The early stage of labor went for 7-8hours. By the time my active stage started, I was shifted to labor room, but I was totally exhausted by then. Thus for getting some relief, I decided to take epidural.
Another 2-3 hours later, once the doctor was satisfied with dilation, they asked me to walk and do some exercises. I requested for the birthing ball. 15 mins on the ball and suddenly I was fully dilated. In the next half an hour I delivered the baby. Through-out the labor (around 13 hours), I followed the breathing technique taught to us at P101, and this helped me a lot.
Neeru Ma’am, thank you so much for all the guidance and knowledge which you have given to us. The exercises help me the most in surviving through the whole labor. My normal delivery wouldn’t have been possible without you and the classes. Even my doctor really wanted a normal delivery for me, because she knew how much I have exercised under your guidance.
Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101.